Voice of the Alps is an initiative taken by the “Albanian Alps Alliance” since in its foundation, but this name became active in one of the common challenges between “Albanian Alps Alliance” and “Environmental and Territorial Management Institute”  with the aim of mobilizing the community and informing them on protection of the rivers in this area from uncontrolled construction and out of HEC technical standards. This has an direct negative impact in the community that needs an immediate solution.

“Albanian Alps Alliance”

Network “Albanian Alps Alliance” represents a union of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Shkodra, active in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity, tourism development, community mobilization, etc.

The mission of the Network is to contribute to sustainable environmental and socio- development economic of the Alps through public awareness, involvement of local communities in decision-making and promoting the natural, environmental and traditional values.

Alps – invaluable asset of natural and etno-cultural values that must be protected and inherited through generations.

Contact person: Petrit Imeraj          E-mail:pimeraj@yahoo.com